The MELiSSA Space Research Program
The acronym MELiSSA means 'Micro Ecological Life Support System Alternative'. It refers to a space research program aiming to develop an artificial ecosystem for bio-regenerative life support systems for long-term space missions to lunar bases or flights to Mars. The MELiSSA Project is managed by the ESA ESTEC Thermal and Environmental Control Section (TEC-MCT). The project started 1989 and is based on a collaborative development program between European Space Agency, academic and private partners and a large number of sub-contractors.

MELiSSA Partners
The MELiSSA consortium consists of 14 partners including ESA, several universities, research institutes and private companies. It is internationally recognized as the most advanced effort to develop closed loop life support systems for space missions. Our 14 core partners are from Belgium, Spain, France, Switzerland, Italy, The Netherlands and Canada. The total MELiSSA effort include around 60 associated organizations across the globe.